For the 20-something struggling - from the 20 something struggling!
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
Psalm 46:10 (NIV)
Hey girl! So, y'all know we´re in a social distancing and self isolating season and I know it's been hard for all of us but, having a little extra time in my hands (I bet you do too), I've been thinking about this whole "Christian life" thing and realized, as I'm locked up, I'm feeling a little trapped: The Lord Jesus said to go and be His witnesses and preach the Kingdom unto the world, how am I supposed to do that while staying at home 24/7!? As I prayed and asked The Lord about this, here's what he said: be still and know. Yes, as simple as that, his grace is still upon us and this is a season of stillness for most of us, lets take an advantage to get ready and armed because, remember, for Christians, life is war! So, here's your guide to 2020:
1. Schedule your day (on paper) and set alarms on your phone
And make at least three of them to spend time with The Lord.
If you're like me, not used to working/studying from home, you might find that you are wasting a LOT of time, eating, insta-binging, cleaning, you name it, however, even if it seems like it, remember: life is not on pause and wasting time right now might be more damaging than you realize now. Again, if you are like me: you find it really hard to actually do the things you planned for so here's the deal: set alarms girl! get tech on your side and make it work for you insted of letting it hipnotize you!
2. Plan for rest!
Actually plan for rest, if you get crazy and plan to clean and workout all day, everyday, you're just not going to acomplish it! Keep it real: plan for lazy & active rest.
Lazy rest: literally set time apart to just lay in your bed or sit on the couch and just take a 20 minute nap, instagram, do nothing and talk to Jesus, literally plan to do nothing -- but not for longer than 20 minutes, you want to save some time for your active rest.
Active rest: do the things you love but you don't exactly need to do: I consider myself to be a maker and baker (lol) so here's what my active rest would look like: Adobe Illustrator, cricut, decals, wood signs, fixing a little something to drink or baking a dessert for the family, I also have a couple of books I read whenever I can (Whiskey in a teacup by Reese Whitherspoon and a million novels by John Grisham) and last but not least (defly) Jesus time, you could actually pour hours into active rest so, play some worship music, talk to your heavenly father, to your friend and to your counselor.
3. Gear up!
Literally gear up, Kingom princess:
1. Podcasts (I highly recommend Elevation Church with Steven Furtick).
2. Devotionals and Bible studies (Love First5 app - which works online too - by Proverbs 31 ministries and reading plans in YouVersion Bible).
4. Prayer journal or war binder.
4. Give more: without envolving a paycheck:
Giving is a Biblical practice and as Christians, we believe that giving is actually an act of giving back to the one who blessed us in the first place. Here's a new giving perspective: I invite you to make this exercise:
Make a list of the things God has given to you:
1. Material goods: a house, a car, a bed, food, clothing, money, etc.
2. A family
3. Love
4. Forgiveness
6. This list could go on for a while..
Now, look at each of the items and think of ways you can give back to God from what He's given to you in every category, tithe to your Church of course but also, give extra GRACE to that person who drives you crazy, give extra love to the one who's suffering, emphasize in the "extra" part because there's a chance you're already a forgiving, grace giving, loving or kind person but seek to give that extra.
5. Step into your truth Kingdom Princess!
"Be still and know that I am God." Remeber you are something far more important than a teacher, a student, a worker, barista, receptionist, whatever it is, remember that is WHAT YOU DO, NOT WHO YOU ARE! (which means even if you fail at it every now and then, it doesn't decrease your worth) You are a daughter of The King!!! Walk into that truth and remember it always, everywhere. (I encourage you to do a "my identity in Christ" scripture challenge, you'll find them all over pinterest!)
Sending you so much love and in Jesus' name I declare freedom,
in the life of the girl reading this post!
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